A Special Offer for Annual Meetings
Special bulk pricing is available to life science investors and companies interested in offering From Breakthrough to Blockbuster: The Business of Biotechnology at their annual meetings.* Contact the specialty orders department at Oxford University Press by clicking this link. Worldwide shipping is available.
The book is written to be accessible to non-experts and can benefit your fund by helping your investors understand:
The essential role of life science investors in making the biotech industry the most effective and efficient way to create life-changing new medicines
The expensive, time-consuming, and highly regulated bench-to-bedside biomedical R&D process
Why continual investment in the biotech industry is critical for the future of medical research
“A fascinating guide to the complex business of biotechnology, with deep insights into the key factors, players, interactions and behaviours that have shaped the success of this industry.”
— Nobel Laureate Sir Gregory Winter, CBE
“How is it possible that a few thousand small companies, many of them short-lived, can out-compete the mighty pharma majors at their own game? Understanding this puzzle is of fundamental importance.”
— Stefan Scholtes, Dennis Gillings Professor of Health Management, Cambridge University Centre for Health Leadership & Enterprise
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